SYLLABUS FOR TET – 2019Social Science : For Paper –iiFor Upper Primary Level - Classes ( Vi – VIII) Total marks : 60
Our earth :
Size , Shape , Motion
of the
earth and their
effects , interior of
the earth , earth
crust , earthquake ( with
special reference to
Assam ) , latitude
and longitude .
Solar system :
Stars , Planets
and satellites
Major Domains Of
The Earth :
Lithosphere , Continents
, Oceans , Hydrosphere
, Atmosphere and Biosphere
Major Land forms
of the Earth
Mountains , Plateau
, Plains
About Assam :
location , climate , natural
vegetation , conservation of
wildlife , biodiversity , major
industries , major rivers
and their tributaries
About India :
Location ,
Climate , Physical divisions
, Population growth and
distribution .
Pre history :
Evolution of Human
Civilization from hunting to
Ancient urban civilizations
Features of Indus
Valley civilization- Town
planning , religious
beliefs , occupation , trade
andf commerce , art and
culture , Harappan culture and
contemporary world
civilization .
Vedic age :
Settlement of the
Aryans , religious practices
, livelihood , social
system , composition of Vedas .
History of Assam :
Pre – history of Assam :
locations of ancient
Kamrupa , Socio Economic
condition of Ancient
Kamrupa , Barman ,
Sakstambha and Pal
dynasties .
Medieval Assaam :
The Ahom , Chutia and
Koch Kingdom , The Baro Bhuyans
and the Kacharis .
Emergency of New
Religious Ideas :
Jainism and Bhuddism .
Major Political Dynasties
of India and their contribution :
Period - Mauryans
and Guptas
Period - Turko -Afghans
and Mughals .
Rise and growth
of the British
Power Of India :
The regulating act , The
Pit’s Indian Act , Doctrine of Lapse
, Sepoy Mutiny , Growth
of India nationalisms
, social reform movements
, Non- Cooperation movement , Civil
disobedience movement and
quit India Movement
, Role of Assam in
freedom movement of
India from 1857
to 1947 .
Reforms during the
rule of East
India Company :
Reforms , Revenue
Collection , Eduactional
Reforms , Brahmo
Samaj , Prarthana
Samaj , Ramkrishna
Mission , Arya
Samaj .
Basic Concept of
Economics :
Production , utility
, income , wealth
, money , price
Market :
Concept of
market , Difference between
whole sale market
and retail market
Money and banking
Concept of money , types
and functions of
bank , other
funding agencies .
Resources :
Resources :
Resources of India
with special reference
to Assam , Role
of Natural Resources
in economic development .
Human Resources :
Human resource development
, its indicators ,
problems of Human resource
development and
role of the
Govt, Measures taken by
the Govt. In Education
, Health and
Employment sector , Role of
human resources in economic development
of India .
Planning and Budget
Planning , Budget
and national income
, Economic planning
, Five Year
Planning .
Institutions :
Role of Financial
institution in economic development
, types and functions of
banks and other
financial institutions for
socio economic development
of people , functions
of NEDFi and NEC , Schemes
of Self – Help - Groups.
National Income :
Gross National
Product (GDP) , net National
Product (NNP ) , Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) , Net Domestic
Product (NDP) , Nominal and
Real Income , Per Capita Income and
Standard of living
The Government :
Concept of Government , various types
of Government , State
and central Government
, Local self government
Democracy :
Democracy and its
principles , Election
process , role of opposition
parties and democracy
The constitution :
Basic concept of constitution ,
Types of Constitution
, Characteristics of
Indian constitution , its
preamble and principles
, Fundamental rights
and duties of
citizen .
Integration of ICT
in teaching Social
Science :
Importance of ICT in
teaching Social Science .
Use of ICT
in teaching Social
Science .