Environmental Studies : For Paper - I For Lower Primary Level - Classes ( I - V ) Total Marks - 30
Children Environmental ( Near and Far ) :
Types of environmental - Natural and social environment :Natural environment ( biotic and abiotic component ) :
Plants aans animals in surrounding , ecosystem ( pond and grassland ) , producer , primary , secondary and tertiary consumer .Social and man made environment :
Family , house , neighborhood , social institutions , State , Districts , Gaon Panchayat our neighbouring states ( North - East )Festivals :
State and NationalSome Social Issues :
Illiteracy , Child labour , superstition , gender discrimination .Use of computer and internet as a means of communication .
Environmental and Child's need :
Air : Importance of air , Composition of airWater : Importance of water , Sources of water , uses of water .
Soil : Importance of soil , Types of soil , soil erosion .
Food : Types of food , food deficiency related disease.
Plants : Cultivated plants , plants with medicinal value , Importance of plants in ecological balance , interdependence between plant and animals , plants in different environment .
Care and Protection of Environment :
Conservation of natural resources :
Flora , Fauna , endangered and rare species , National Parks , wildlife Sanctuary , migratory bird .Transport system and road safety measure , storage of agriculture products.
First aid as safety measure , health care and cleanliness .
Disaster risk reduction ( pre - disaster , during disaster )
Preventive measures for different communicable diseases caused by various microorganisms .
National Integrity :
Constitution of India , idea of preamble , directive principles , fundamental rights and duties .
Role of Assam is freedom movement .
Pollution ( air , water , soil ) - Its impact and measure to prevent .
Pedagogy :
Concept , meaning and approach of environmental studies .Nature and scope of environmental studies .
Objective of teaching environmental studies ,
Different approaches of teaching environmental studies .
Integrated of ICT in teaching Environmental Science :
Importance of ICT in teaching Environmental Science .
Use of ICT in teaching Environmental Science .