Application for Permit to Change Elective Subject
The Principal
School /
College Name :
School Address :
Subject : Application
for permit to change Elective
Subject .
Sir / Madam ,
With due respect and
humbly submission to say
that I am
a student of XI
( Arts )
of your school . I
as my elective
subject during admission .
But unfortunately there have been included Economics
instead of EDUCATION in
the Registration Form. But
I am very weak in
this subject , I have to do
extra effort for
this subject . Because of poor
subject knowledge , I
am unable to
study hard on
ECONOMICS . I think that
optional subject ( EDUCATION )
will be better for me and
for my future
success .
Therefore ,
I pray and
hope that you
will be kind enough
to permit me
to change this
subject and oblige
thereby .
Your Obedient Student
Roll No :
Stream :