Answer these
questions in a few words
or a couple
of sentences each .
1. How
old are Margie
and Tommy ?
Ans :
Margie was eleven
years old and
Tommy was thirteen
years old .
2. What
did Margie write
in her diary ?
Ans :
Margie wrote , “ Today
Tommy found a
real book ! ” in
her diary .
3. Had
Margie ever seen a
book before ?
Ans : No ,
Margie had not
ever seen before .
4. What
things about the
book did she
find strange ?
Ans : She found the
book’s colour and
the wrinkled pages
strange and also
the words that
stood still instead
of moving .
5. What
do you think
a telebook is ?
Ans : A tele
book is a book that
can be seen
and read on a television.
6. Where was
Margie’s school ? Did
she have any
classmates ?
Ans : Margie’s
school was in
her own room
next to her
bedroom. The mechanical
teacher was on
the screen to
teach her . she did n’t
have any classmates.
7. What
subjects did Margie
and Tommy learn ?
Ans :
Margie learnt mathematics
and Geography and
Tommy learnt History
and mathematics.
Answer the
following with reference
to the story
1. “ I
wouldn’t throw it
away .”
Who says
these words ?
Ans : Margie says
these words.
What does ‘
it ’ refer to ?
Ans : ‘It’ refers
to the book
found by Tommy .
What is
it being compared
with by the
speaker ?
Ans : It is
being compared with
telebooks by the
2. “ Sure they
had a teacher
, but it wasn’t
a regular teacher
. It was a man
Who does ‘
they ’ refer to ?
Ans : ‘They’
refers to the
boys of the
days of Tommy’s
grandfather’s grandfather.
What does ‘
regular ’ mean here ?
Ans : Here
‘regular’ means who
is always
What is
it contrasted with ?
Ans : It
is contrasted with
a television teacher.
Answer each
of these questions
in a short
paragraph ( about 30
words ) .
1. What
kind of teachers
did Margie and Tommy
have ?
Ans : Margie and Tommy had
television or computer
teachers who appeared
on the screen
and taught. They
were mechanical teachers .
science has replaced
human teacher s with tele- teachers.
2. Why
did Margie’s mother send
for the County
Inspector ?
Ans : Margie’s
mother sent for
the country inspector
because Margie was
getting worse and
worse in the
tests conducted by
the mechanical teacher
in geography .
3. What
did he do ?
Ans : He
came to Margie’s
home and replaced
the mechanical teacher .
He also slowed
the geography sector
to the level Margie's age
4. Why
was Margie doing
badly in geography
? What did
the County Inspector
do to help
her ?
Ans : Margie
was doing badly
in geography because
the geography sector
had been a little
too quick for
her . the country inspector
slowed the sector
to the level
of margie’s mental
5. What
had once happened
to Tommy’s teacher
Ans :
Once the history
sector of Tommy’s
mechanical teacher blanked
out completely . so,
they took it
away for almost
a month. Tommy became
free for the
6. Did
Margie have regular
days and hours
for school ?
If so ,
why ?
Ans : Yes, Margie had
regular days and
hours for school .
it was so
because her mother
believed that little
girls learned better
if they learned
at regular hours.
7. How
does Tommy describe
the old kind
of school ?
Ans : Tommy
describes that the
old kind of
school had a
special building. The
teachers were there
and the kinds
went there they
learned the same
thing . they could
help one another
they laughed and
shouted in merriment.
8. How
does he describe
the old kind
of teachers ?
Ans :
He describes that
the old kind
of teachers did
not live in
their houses. They lived
in a special
building . they
taught the children,
gave homework and
asked them questions .
they were men.
Answer each
of these questions
in two or
three paragraphs ( 100 – 150
words ) .
1. What are the
main features of the mechanical
teachers and the
schoolrooms that Margie
and Tommy have
in the story
Ans :
The main features
of the mechanical
teachers and the
school rooms are
that the teachers
were not human
beings. Margie and
Tommy had computers
or televisions in
their schoolrooms . they
sat before those
visuals and their
teachers and lessons
appeared on the
screen. The teachers
were mechanical teachers.
There was a
slot in which
the learners had to put
their home work
done in punch
code . the home
work was at
once evaluated . the
mechanical teachers taught
Mathematics, Geography
and History. The
lesson were adjusted
to the mental
level of the
learners. Margie and
Tommy had their
schoolrooms in their
own house.
2. Why
did Margie hate school
? Why did
she think the
old kind of
school must have
been fun ?
Ans :
Margie hated school
because of the
mechanical teacher that
appeared on the
screen of her
television. It was
fixed in her
schoolroom and in
regular hours she
had to sit
before it. The mechanical
teacher would appear
on the screen . the lessons
would be displayed
there. She had
to learn Mathematics,
Geography and History.
There was a
slot in which
she had to
put her home
work . she had
to do homework
in punch code,
This part she
hated most. Because she
became worse and
worse gradually . she
was alone there.
She thought
the old kind
of school must
have been fun
because children of
her age went
there laughing, playing
and learnt lessons. One
could help another
in doing home
3. Do
you agree with
Margie that schools
today are more
fun than the school
in the story
? Give reasons
for your answer
Ans : Yes, I
do agree
with Margie that
schools today are
more fun than
the schools on
the story. The
school on the
story is nothing
but a computer
or television screen
with a slot.
The mechanical teacher
appears on the
screen and lessons
are displayed there.
The total process
is mechanical . No
human relations is
the schools today
have human relation. Children of
same age learn
the same thing
together. They laugh,
play and learn.
One can help another
in doing home
work. A man
is a teacher.
No one feels
lonely. There is
amusement in being