International Organization - The United Nations Organization and Others
Textual short answer questions :Very short answer questions :
1. Why was the UNO formed ?
Ans : The UNO was formed to ensure
word peace and to stop another world war .
2. Mention two objectives of the UNO are :
To maintain international peace and security.
To build friendly relations among all
countries of the world on the basis of equal rights and self determination.
3. Give the name of the UN organs.
Ans : The six organs of the UNO
are :
General Assembly
Security council
Economic and social council
court of justice (ICJ)
4. Give the name of the two agencies related to the UNO.
Ans : The two
agencies related to the UNO
are :
Labour Organization (ILO)
Health Organisation (WHO)
5. Give the name of two treaties which were signed on disarmament.
Ans : Two treaties
which were signed
on disarmament are :
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)
Non Proliferation treaty
6. What is meant by human rights ?
: The
condition which are
essential for each
Individual of the
world to living
a dignified life
are termed as
Human Rights.
Long answer questions :1. Discuss the aims of the UNO for which it came into existence and also discuss its principles.
Ans : The aims /
objectives of the
UNO are :
maintain international peace
and security.
build friendly relations
among all countries
of the world
on the basis
of equal rights and
self determination.
resolve existing economic,
social and cultural
problems and disputed
issues on the
basis of international cooperation
so that each
person can enjoy human
rights and fundamental rights.
act as a
centre of excellence
to build good
and cordial relations with
various countries.
The principles of
the UNO are :
on the principle of
equal sovereignty of
all member countries.
the member states
should execute their
duties and responsibilities by obeying
the rules as mentioned
in the UN
the member states should
resolve their disputes in
a peaceful manner
without affecting international peace,
security and justice.
the member states
should avoid threat
or use of force
against any state
so as to
maintain cordial international relations.
the member states
should help and
extend support to
the UNO whenever
required and should
not help a
particular state which is
facing UNO’s punitive
2. Write a note on the security council of the UNO.
Ans : The Security
Council is the
most important organ
of the UNO .at
the time of
UNO’s formation, it had five
permanent member state and six temporary
member states. The permanent
State are USA,
Great Britain, France ,
Russia and China.
The number of
temporary member states
was increased from six
to ten by
amending the 23rd article
of the UN
Charter in 1963.
The temporary
Members are elected
by the general
assembly. Each permanent member
state has a
right to exercise
veto power. Altogether, at least
nine members, including five permanent member, must agree
in order to
take a decision
on an important
matter .
3. Discuss the steps taken by the UNO on world peace.
Ans : The steps
taken by the UNO
on world peace are
Commission : The
UNO had established the Disarmament
Commission in January
1952 to remove war
like situations among
the world nations.
Treaties : The
UNO has accorded
treaties like the
partial Nuclear Non – proliferation Treaty
(1968), the seabed
control treaty (1972),Salt-I
(1972), Salt-II (1979), Nuclear
Arms Control Treaty (1993), the
START-I (Strategic Arms Reduction
Treaty 1991) and
START-I(1993) and the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) (1996).
Preventive Diplomacy :
The UNO adopted
the preventive diplomacy in June
2007 to resolve
disputes through discussion
and promote world peace.
4. Write a note regarding National Human Rights Commission in India .
: The
National Human Rights
Commission was set up
on 28 September 1993 in
India through an ordinance by
the president of India .
On 8 January 1994 , the Human
Rights protection Act
1993 , came
into force. State Human
Rights Commissions have
also been set up
in the provinces.
members of the commission should posses
the following qualifications:
The chairman
of the commission should
be a retired
chief justice of
the supreme court
member should be a
serving or be a
retired judge of the
supreme court.
member should be a serving
or be a retired chief justice
of any High
members are those
who have knowledge and
experience on human right
activities as activists.
respective chairman of
the National Minority Commission , Scheduled
Caste and Scheduled
Tribes National Women’s
Commission should be the
members of the
The member of the
commission are appointed
for a term of
five year by
the president of India
5. Discuss the steps taken by the UNO regarding Human Rights .
Ans : The UNO
emphasized on human rights
along with cooperation
and peaceful environment among the
member nations . the
Human Rights Declaration
was adopted by
the General Assembly
of the UNO on
10 December 1948 with the
support of 48 member
states to secure
human rights for
each person to
lead a dignified human
life .The objectives of
Human Rights Declaration
are :
To secure rights of the
individuals that have
been incorporated in the
declaration .
due recognition to the above
mentioned rights by the
member states .
Thus, UNO has taken positive steps to secure dignified human
life for each individual and
has made clear that
no states can secure
international peace and
security by depriving
its citizens of
their human
rights.10 December is
observed as International Human
Rights Day.