Questions and Answer:
ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS[অতি চমু উত্তৰৰ প্ৰশ্নঃ]
1. Economic growth .[অৰ্থনৈতিক বিকাশ]
Ans :
Economic growth is a quantitative concept
that deals with an increase in
output over a period of time ,
particularly growth in per capita income.
2. Economic development[অৰ্থনৈতিক উন্নয়ন]
Ans : Economic
Development is a qualitative concept
that deals with economic growth as
well as changes in socially and
economically significant areas.
3. Human Development[মানৱ উন্নয়ন]
: Human Development means the expansion
of collective choice of the people which
include economic , social , cultural and political
4. Economic planning[অৰ্থনৈতিক পৰিকল্পনা]
: Economic planning is an instrument
to attain a set of well defined
objectives within a definite time
period as determined by a
central planning agency.
5. Democratic planning[গণতান্ত্ৰিক পৰিকল্পনা]
: Democratic planning is a
planning in which there is
active participation of people in
different stages of plan -
6. Liberalisation[উদাৰিকৰণ]
; Liberalisation means the
lessening or relaxation of state
control in the economic system
of a country.
7. Privatisation[ব্যক্তিগতকণ]
Ans :
Privatisation is opening up of
the public sector units to
the private sector.
8. Globalisation[গোলকীকৰণ বা বিশ্বায়ন]
: Globalisation is a
process of integration of the economy
of a nation with the economies
of the rest of the world
ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS[চমু উত্তৰৰ প্ৰশ্নঃ]
2. Mention two
important points of difference between
economic growth and economic development.[অৰ্থনৈতিক বিকাশ আৰু অৰ্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নৰ দুটা পাৰ্থক্য
উল্লেখ কৰা ৷]
: The difference between economic growth
and economic development are :
Economic growth
with increasing in output in per capital
growth and changes in economically and
socially significant sector.
and narrower concept.
and broader concept.
may or may not be accompanied by
economic development .
is always accompanied by
economic growth.
is not about institutional changes.
in education , health ,banking land
tenure, etc. Are part of it.
3. What are the
three indices of human development ?[মানৱ উন্নয়নৰ তিনিটা সূচক কি কি ?]
: The three indices of human
development are :
(i) Life expectancy
(ii) Literacy.
(iii) Standard of living (
basically accessibility to sanitation and
pure drinking water ).
4. what is meant
by expansion of collective choice ?[সমষ্টিগত পছন্দৰ বিস্তাৰ সাধন হৈছে বুলিলে কি বুজিবা ?]
Ans : Expansion of collective choice
is the primary basis of human development
.The choice of people is the core
of human development. The choice of
the people include economic , social ,
cultural and political choices
. there are three factors that
influence collective choice of the
people, they are :
(i) Life expectancy
(ii) Literacy
(iii) Standard of living
5. Mention four
important objectives of India’s five year
plans.[ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ পঞ্চবাৰ্ষিক
পৰিকল্পনাৰ তিনিটা মূল লক্ষ্য উল্লেখ কৰা ৷ ]
Ans :
the objective of India’s five year
plans are :
(i) Increase in the
growth rate of economy.
(ii) Expansion of
employment opportunities.
(iii) Eradication of poverty.
(iv) Removal of regional
(v) Elimination of socio
– economic inequalities.
(vi) Ensure sustainable
economic developing without harming
the environment.
6. Who are the
members of NITI Aayog ?[NITI আয়োগৰ সদস্যসকল কোন কোন ?]
: Following are the members of NITI Aayog :
(i) Prime Minister
as chairman.
(ii) Vice - chairman
appointed by prime Minister.
(iii) Three full -
time members having expertise in their
(iv) Two part - time
(v) Maximum four cabinet
Ministers appointed as ex - officio
(vi) One IAS officer
as Chief executive officer.
7. Explain one of
the main points of difference between
the first phase of planning in India
( 1951 -51) to 1990 - 90) and the
second phase (1991 -1992 to the present
day)[ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ পৰিকল্পিত অৰ্থনৈতিক
উন্নয়নৰ প্ৰথমছোৱা (১৯৫১-১৯৯১) আৰু দ্বিতীয়ছোৱা (১৯৯১ পৰা বৰ্তমানলৈ )ৰ মাজত থকা
এটা মূল পাৰ্থক্য ব্যাখ্যা কৰা ৷.
Ans :
In the first phase of planning in
India (1951 – 52 to 1990-91) the public
sector played a dominant role in the
economy. On the other hand, the role
of public sector
reduced considerably in the second phase
(1991-92 to the present day ) of planning .
new concepts like liberalisation, privatisation
and globalisation gained momentum during
the second phase.
8. Briefly explain
the three main causes of the
introduction of economic reform
measures in India.[ভাৰতবৰ্ষত অৰ্থনৈতিক সংস্কাৰ প্ৰৱৰ্তনৰ তিনিটা মূল কাৰণ
চমুকৈ ব্যাখ্যা কৰা]
: The three main causes of the
introduction of economic reform
measures in India are :
(i) Fiscal deficit
: Fiscal deficit is an economic phenomenon in
which the aggregate public expenditure
surpasses the aggregate public revenue.
Indian economy had to face a huge fiscal deficit during
the first phase of planning .
(ii) Inflation : Indian
economy was deeply affected by
inflation in the pre – economic reform period. High rate of
inflation had an adverse impact on socially and
economically backward people with limited income.
(iii) Balance of payment :
Since eighties, India’s balance of payment
was highly disturbing. the net outflow of capital
from the economy was high while the
net inflow of capital into the economy
was on a decline . such an imbalance in the capital
flow led to an alarming rise in the foreign trade
9. Mention three benefits
of economic reforms in India.[অৰ্থনৈতিক সংস্কাৰৰ তিনিটা সুফল উল্লেখ কৰা]
: Three benefits of economic reforms
in India are :
(i) Increased rate of
economic growth : prior to the introduction
of economic reforms, the annual rate
of economic growth was 3.5% but with the new
reforms applied, the annual growth rate of
economy stood above 9% from 2005 to 2008, and
around 7% from 2009 to 2014.
(ii) Wholesale price index : The
post economic reform period has registered
a downward trend in wholesale price index,
though not in retail price index.
(iii) Increase in foreign
exchange reserve : In 1990-91 in India , the amount of
foreign however, this amount increased to
328.7 billion in march 2015 which could cover 7 months
of imports. Thus there has been a considerable
rise in foreign exchange reserve after
introduction of economic reforms.
[(ক) অৰ্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নৰ হাৰ বৃদ্ধি
হৈছে ৷
(খ) পাইকাৰি মূল্যসূচী পূৰ্বৰ তুলনাত হ্ৰাস হৈছে
(গ) ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ কেন্দ্ৰীয় বেংক ৰিজাৰ্ভ বেংকত জমা হোৱা
বৈদেশিক বিনিয়োগযোগ্য মুদ্ৰাৰ পৰিমাণ বৃদ্ধি হৈছে ৷ ]
10. Briefly explain two
problems of economic reforms in India.[অৰ্থনৈতিক সংস্কাৰ প্ৰৱৰ্তনৰ
ফলত সৃষ্টি হোৱা দুটা অসুবিধা চমুকৈ ব্যাখ্যা কৰা ৷]
Ans : The
problems of economic reforms in India are:
(i) Limited purchasing power : As a
result of economic reforms, there is
a substantial rise in the extent and
intensity of competition. However, such benefits
cannot be availed by the common man due to dearth of
purchasing power.
(ii) Excessive consumerism :
Due to excessive consumerism, the social value are threatened to being
eroded with money playing a dominating role.
(iii) Management of globalisation
: In the past few years, the need for management of
globalisation has been felt. Under no circumstances, globalisation
and national interest should collide with each other.
(iv) Need for good
governance : the benefits of economic reforms
can reach the weaker sections of the
society only if there is governance.
[(ক) এই সংস্কাৰ নীতিয়ে প্ৰতিযোগিতাৰ প্ৰসাৰ আৰু তীব্ৰতা দুয়োটাই বৃদ্ধি কৰিছে ৷ বিভিন্ন ধৰণৰ
সা-সামগ্ৰী বজাৰলে আহিব ধৰিছে ৷ এই প্ৰতিযোগিতা সুস্থ হ'ব লাগিলে জনসাধাৰণৰ ক্ৰয় ক্ষমতাৰ পৰিমাণ বৃদ্ধি হ'ব লাগিব ৷
(খ) পণ্যৰ প্ৰতি অত্যাধিক আসক্তিয়ে ভোগবাদী অৰ্থনীতিৰ সৃষ্টি
কৰিলে সি নৈতিকতাৰ প্ৰতি এক ভাবুকি হ'ব পাৰে ৷ ]
11. Mention five important objectives
of Assam’s Twelfth Five Year plan.[অসমৰ চলিত পঞ্চবাৰ্ষিক পৰিকল্পনাৰ ছটা প্ৰধান লক্ষ্য উল্লখ
কৰা ৷ ]
Ans : The
important objectives of Assam’s Twelfth Five Year Plan.
(i) To accelerate the rate of annual
economic growth to 10% in the coming decades so as to
remove the gap between Assam’s economy and economy of the best Indian states.
(ii) To formulate schemes for poverty eradication.
(iii) To frame measures for controlling flood
and erosion by means of up to date technology and scientific
(iv) To increase the rate of
agricultural growth from 6% to 8% .
(v) To attain self-sufficiency in
power generation by employment of latest technology in power
supply and distribution.
(vi) To accelerate the value of Assam’s
human development index by increasing the amount of investment in health and
education sectors.
(vii) To priorities skill formation for
expansion of self employment opportunities and growth of micro, small and
medium industries as well as cottage industries.
(viii) To take measures for conserving
biodiversity and dealing with the problems of climate change.
(ix) To ensure good governance
in the state and local bodies.
[(ক) দেশৰ উন্নতি উন্নত ৰাজ্যসমূহৰ সম-পৰ্যায়লৈ
আহিবলৈ অহা দুই -তিনিটা দশকৰ ভিতৰত অসমৰ উন্নয়নৰ হাৰ ১০ শতাংশলৈ বৃদ্ধি কৰা ৷
(খ) দৰিদ্ৰতা আৰু অৰ্থনৈতিক বৈষম্য হ্ৰস কৰাৰ
বাবে বিভিন্ন আঁচনি গ্ৰহণ কৰা
(গ) শেহতীয়া প্ৰযুক্তিবিদ্যা আৰু বিজ্ঞানসন্মত
ব্যৱস্থাপনাৰ জৰিয়তে বানপানী আৰু গৰাখহনীয়া সমস্যাটোৰ সমাধান কৰা ৷
(ঘ) কৃষি খণ্ডৰ বাৰ্ষিক উন্নয়নৰ হাৰ ৬ ৰপৰা ৮
শতাংশলৈ বৃদ্ধি কৰা ৷
(ঙ) শক্তি উৎপাদনৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত আত্মনিৰ্ভৰশীলতা অৰ্জন কৰা আৰু শক্তি পৰিবহণ আৰু বিতৰণৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত আধুনিক প্ৰযুক্তিবিদ্যা
প্ৰয়োগ কৰা হয় ৷
(চ)জৈৱ -বিচিত্ৰ ৰক্ষা কৰি জলবায়ু পৰিৱৰ্তনৰ
সমস্যাটোৰ মোকাবিলা কৰা ৷