
How To Check Compartmental HSLC and AHM -2022 Results -SEBA - HSLC Compartmental Results কেনেকৈ Check কৰিব ?

This is an official notification given by the SEBA: 


This is hereby notified for information of all candidates, who appeared in the High School Leaving Certificate (Compartmental) / Assam High Madrassa (Compartmental) Examination, 2022 conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Assam during the month of July, 2022 that their results will be declared on 29th Aug 2022, from 10:00 AM.


             Results will be declared through the Results Gazette in PDF format and the Roll Numbers of the candidates who are declared passed will be provided therein. Results Gazette can be downloaded from SEBA's official website

 sebaonline.org. Students can view their result and download the digital mode of Marks-Sheets from,

A.SEBA's official websites sebaonIine.org. For downloading the Marks sheet, students have to enter their Compartmental Examination Roll and No. in the space provided. For example: If the Roll is C22-0001, No. is 0012 then candidates will have to enter

                              Roll: C22 -                     No.:

It ha                      Educational Institutions will arrange for admission the digital Marks Sheet after verification of results of the candidates in Class XI based on through digital Results Gazette, which is available on the SEBA's officia! website and also of SEBA Regional Office will ensure distribution of of their District concerned. 

নিজৰ   HSLC Compartmental Results চাবৰ বাবে তলৰ লিংকটোত ক্লিক কৰাঃ
