- Louis
Common Questions And
Answers : For
1 Mark Each :
is Sir Edward
Gait ?
: Sir Edward
Gait was the
Lieutenant Governor of
the province of
Bihar .
was Rajkumar Shukla ?
Ans :
Rajkumar Shukla was
a poor sharecropper
from Champaran.
did Gandhi and
Shukla propose to
meet at Patna ?
: Gandhi and Shukla
proposed to meet
Rajendra Prasad at
was Gandhi visiting
Lucknow in 1916 ?
: Gandhi
was visiting Lucknow
to attend the
annual meeting of
the Indian National
Congress .
is Champaran situated
: Champaran
is situated in
did Shukla want
Gandhi to do ?
Ans :
Rajkumar Shukla wanted
Gandhi to visit his
district Champaran .
was Gandhi’s politics
intertwined with ?
: Gandhi’s problems
was intertwined with
the practical , day -to –day problems
of millions .
country had synthetic
Indigo ?
: Germany had
synthetic Indigo .
did Gandhi stay
in Muzzafarpur ?
: Gandhi stayed
in the house
of professor Malkani
, a teacher in
a government school.
For 2 Mark Each :
do you think
Gandhi considered the
Chamaparan episode to be a
turning -point in his life ?
: Gandhi thought
that the Champaran
episode was a
turning point in
his life because it
taught him that
the British could
not order him
about in his
own country and
it was this
episode that led
him to urge
the departure of
the British from
India .
What was
the incident that
prompted Gandhi to
raise his voice
of protest against
the British ?
: In 1917
Gandhi visited Champaran
at the request
of Rajkumar Shukla
to fight against
the injustice done
to the sharecroppers
of the district by
the landlords . Gandhi succeeded
in getting an
honourable settlement for
the sharecroppers peasants . This Champaran
episode prompted Gandhi
to raise his
voice against the
British .
was the Champaran
episode so significant
in Gandhi’s life ?
: In 1917
Gandhi visited Champaran
at the request
of Rajkumar Shukla
to fight against
the injustice done
to the sharecroppers
of the district by
the landlords . Gandhi succeeded
in getting an
honourable settlement for
the sharecroppers peasants .
This Champaran episode
prompted Gandhi to
raise his voice
against the British. That
is why Champaran
was so significant
in Gandhi’s life.
did Gandhi Choose
to go to
Muzzafarpur first before
going on to Champaran ?
Ans :
Gandhi chose
to go to Muzzafarpur
first to obtain more information about the
conditions prevailing in Champaran
than Rajkumar Shukla
was capable of
imparting . So ,
Gandhi sent a
telegram to J. B.
Kripalani , whom he
had seen at
Tagore’s Shantiniketan
How was a solution
to the problem
of indigo sharecroppers
of Champaran found ?
For 5 Mark Each :
the exploitation of
the indigo sharecroppers by the
English landlords ? Did
Gandhi help them to
get an honourable
settlement ?
Ans : During the British period most of the arable
land in Champaran district was divided into large estates owned by Englishmen
and worked by Indian tenants.The chief commercial crop was indigo. The
landlords compelled all tenants to plant in 15 percent of their holdings with
indigo and surrender the entire indigo harvest as rent. This was done by long term contract. But when the landlords
learned that Germany had developed synthetic indigo they decided to free the Indian
sharecroppers from the 15 percent contract but for this they obtained
agreements from the sharecroppers to pay them compensation. The agreements were
highly unfavourable to the sharecroppers. Most of them opposed and went to the
court. But the landlords engaged thugs. Meanwhile the information about
synthetic indigo also reached the peasants who had signed agreements and they
now wanted their money back. At this point
Gandhi arrived in Champaran. Gandhi was immediately joined by a number of
prominent lawyers including Rajendra Prasad. They made a thorough enquiry into the grievances
of the peasants. Depositions by ten thousand peasants were written down,and
notes made on other evidence. There' was, of course, vehement protests from the
English landlords. In June 1917,Gandhi was summoned by Sir Edward Gait, the Lieutenant Governor. Before he went to meet him detailed plan for civil
disobedience was made in case Gandhi wad detained. Gandhi had four protracted interviews with the Lieutenant Governor, who, as a result appointed an official commission
of enquiry into the indigo sharecroppers' situation. The commission consisted
of landlords,Government officials and Gandhi as the sole
representative of the peasants. At last the landlords agreed to make refunds
'of 25 percent of money to the peasants. It was an honourable settlement for
the peasants. Gandhi explained that the amount the refund was less important
than the fact that me landlords had been obliged to surrender part of their
money and, with it, part of their prestige.
the efforts made
by R. K. Shukla
to persuade Gandhi
to go to
Champaran ?
: Rajkumar Shukla was a poor
sharecropping peasant from Champaran. In December 1916 he went to the Congress
Session held at Lucknow to meet Gandhi
to complain about the injustice of the Landlord System in Bihar and to request
him to come to Champaran. Gandhi, till then, had never heard of the place. He
told Shukla that he had an appointment in Cawnpore and was also committed to go
to other parts of India. Shukla did no give up hope and he accompanied Gandhi
wherever he went. Then Gandhi returned to his Ashram near Ahmedabad. Shukla
followed him to the Ashram. For weeks he never left Gandhi's side and
was always urging him to fix a date for his
visit. Gandhi was greatly impressed by the tenacity and the account he had
given of the oppression in Champaran and decided to visit Chamnparan. He
told Shukla that he would be visiting
Calcutta soon. He gave him a date on which he was meet him there and
take him to Champaran.Thus. Shukla succeeded in persuading Gandhi to visit
‘ The
battle of Champaran is
won ’ , Gandhi exclaimed . Explain the
context in which this was said
When Gandhi was in Motihari, the
head quarter of Champaran district, he
was served with a notice to leave the district immediately. Gandhi signed a
receipt for the notice and wrote on it that he would disobey the order.
Thereupon, he was summoned to appear before the court the next day. The news of
Gandhi being summoned to the court spread and thousands peasants gathered
around the court house in the morning. Their spontaneous demonstration baffled
the government and it wanted to postpone the date of trial. But Gandhi
protested against the postponement and he told the court that he was involved
in a' conflict of duties'-on the one hand, not to set a bad example as a law
breaker; on the other hand ,to render humanitarian and
national service' for which he had come to Champaran. He disobeyed the order to leave not because
he did not have respect for the lawful authority, but because of his obedience
to the voice of his conscience. He pleaded guilty and asked for due penalty.
But the magistrate reserved the judgement to a later date.
Rajendra Prasad, Brij Kishor Babu, Maulana
Mazharul Huq and other prominent
lawyers who had come to help Gandhi then conferred among themselves and
concluded that it would be wrong to desert Gandhi who was ready to go the
prison for the sake of the peasants of their own. province. So they. decided to
support him and to court arrest with Gandhi. At this Gandhi exclaimed with joy
that "The battle of Champaran is won."