1. How
does Toto come
to grandfather’s private
Zoo ?
Ans : One
day grandfather found
a little monkey . A
tonga – driver used to
keep the red
monkey tied to
a feeding - trough
and the monkey
looked so out
of place there
that grandfather decided
to bring it
home and add
it to his
little zoo . He
at once bought
Toto for five
2. “ Toto was
a pretty monkey”
In what sense
is Toto pretty ?
Ans : To grandfather
Toto looked pretty
with his bright sparkling eyes
and there was
mischief beneath the
deep - set eyebrows. His
teeth were pearly
white which he
often used to
frighten the life
out of elderly
Anglo – Indian ladies. But
his hands were
dry . And his
fingers were quick
and wicked. His
long tail worked
as his third
hand all these
made Toto’s appearance
3. Why
does grandfather take
Toto to Saharanpur
and how ? Why
does the ticket
collector insist on
calling Toto a dog
Ans : At the first night
Toto did not
allow other animals
to sleep. Grandfather
had to go
Saharanpur the next
morning and he
decided to take
Toto with him .
A big
black canvas kit bag
was provided for
Toto . Some straw
at the bottom
of the bag
was placed . When
the bag was
tied Toto could
not make his
hands out of
the bag . The ticket
collector took Toto
for dog because
he found it
four - footed.
4. How
does Toto take
a bath ? Where has he
learnt to do
this ? How
does Toto almost
boil himself alive ?
Ans : Toto
take a bath
just like a
man. He has
learnt to do
so by imitating
the author . first ,
he puts his
hand in the
water of his
bathtub to check
the temperature , then
he steps in
slowly in the
water . He also
rubs soap to
his body . When
he finds the
water cool he
gets up and
runs to the
kitchen fire to
warm himself up.
5. Why
does the author
say , ‘ Toto was not
the sort of
pet we could
keep for long’?
Ans : Toto was
extremely misachievous and
created one problem
after another .
he did not
let other animals
live in peace
he broke plates ,
tore useful clothes
and curtains . They could
not bear the
loss. And so
he was transferred
to the tonga- driver again .
so the author
says so.