Answer these questions in one
or two sentences
each .
1. Why
was the ‘holy man’ who
gave Santosh’s mother
his blessings surprised?
Ans : The ‘holy man’ who
gave Santosh mother his
blessings surprised because
Santosh’s grand mother
told him that
they did not
want a son.
2. Give
an example to
show that even
as young girl Santosh was
not ready to
accept anything unreasonable.
Ans : Santosh did
not wear traditional
India dress for
girls she wore
3. Why
was Santosh sent
to the local
school ?
Ans : Santosh
was sent to the local
school according to
the custom of
their family.
4. When did
leave home for
Delhi, and why ?
Ans :
She left home
for Delhi after
her parents had
tried to arrange
her marriage. She did
so to have
a proper education.
5. Why
did Santosh’s parents
agree to pay
for her schooling
in Delhi ?
what metal qualities
of santosh are brought
into light by
this incident ?
Ans :
Santosh’s parents agreed to pay for
her schooling in
Delhi because she
clearly told them
that she would
part time and
manage money for
her education. This incident
show her strong determination.
Answer each
of these questions
in a short
paragraph (about 30 words)
1. How
did Santosh begin
to climb mountains ?
Ans: Some
climbers on the
Aravalli hills encouraged
Santosh and she
got admission in
Uttar kashi’s Nehru
Institute of Mountaineering . And
she went on
an expedition every year.
2. What shows
her concern for
the environment ?
Ans : As an
environmentalist Santosh brought
down 500 kilogram
of garbage from
the Himalayas while
coming down this
shows her concern
for the environment.
3. What incidents
during the Everest
expedition show Santosh’s
concern for her
team - mates ?
Ans : Santosh
provided a special
care to one
of her team – mates during
the Everest expedition
but couldn’t save
him .but she saved
Mohan Singh, another
climber by giving
him to share
her oxygen.
4. How
does she
describe her feelings
at the summit
of the Everest ?
Ans :
On reaching the
summit of the
Everest she felt
that the greatness
of the moment
was beyond description.
It was a
spiritual moment. She felt
proud as an
India and unfurled
the Indian tricolor
5. Santosh Yadev
got into the
record books both
timesw she scaled Mt.
Everest. What were
the reasons for
this ?
Santosh Yadev got
into the record books
both times as
the only woman
in the world to
scale Mt. Everest twice.
She was the
youngest woman in
the world to
climb Mt. Everest.