As per
instructions from the
examination board SEBA , Our English
Mr/Mrs/Miss_______________ has
told us to do
a project on the
topic of , “ SCIENCE IN
EVERYDAY LIFE .” Therefore all
the students of class x of our school, ______________
have done their
own project themselves
. Similarly I
have also done
my project on given topic myself . We know that
science has played
an important role in
the present age. But
it has made
our lives to
some extent artificial
. I have explained all the pros and cons of science in details in my project .
I would
like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher (Name of the
teacher) _____________as well as our principal (Name of the principal)who gave
me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic (Write the
topic name)________________, which also helped me in doing a lot of Research
and I came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to them.
Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.
Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.
Modern age
is an age of science
. Many inventions of
science have taken
place in the
present age . They
have made our
life easy and comfortable
. Science has made
its way almost
in every walk of
life . So the present age is called the
age of science
. And rightly so , because science is the
breath of the modern man . Today , we
depend so much
on science that ,
without this , we are
all cripples. Science has added
newer and newer
dimensions to life .
It has
accomplished one wonder
makes the previous
one pale into
insignificance .
Almost we
everything we use
is produced by
science . From one
sunrise to another
, there is hardly
any time when we
do not have
to depend on one
or the other of
its contributions. In
fact , science
is the hand -
maiden of the modern
man .
The blessings of
science are many . Whenever
we look we
find the wonders
of science .
Electricity , railways ,
bus , ship ,
computer , internet -
all these are
the gifts of
science .
Cotton mills
weave our cloths
, paper mills make our
paper , washing
Machine wash our
cloths and the
T.V. gives us recreation
. If somebody is ill , he
takes medicine and undergoes
scanning and operations
are being done
unbelievable . To a man in
the city ,
science is almost
like a faithful servant . The alarming
time – piece wakes him at
any hour he likes
. The electric oven prepares
his tea and
breakfast . The
cooker cooks his
food . The
Electronic media gives
him daily news
. He goes
to office by bus or taxi
. He switches
on the fan
in the office
and telephones to
his relative in
another office and
telephones to his relative in
another office to know
how he is
. After a day’s
work , he
goes to see
a picture in
a cinema hall. When
he returns home ,
media gives him
entertainment after is likings.
Naturally . the
wonderful inventions and
discoveries of science
discoveries of science
should have turned the world
into a paradise or
utopia . Unfortunately ,
however we are
far away from
that. Rather , the world
seems to be
flowing with poison
instead of honey
and milk .
It is torn
with conflicts and
threatened every moment
by the possibility
of another world war. We all know
that if such
a war breaks
out , one or
two bombs will be
enough to destroy
the whole human
race within a
few minutes . The
blood - thirsty , selfish
politicians and war – mongers who always
hold their fists
tight against any
measure for the
welfare of the
common man , squander
out crores for
the manufacture of monstrous
weapons .
Moreover , as
a result of
some of the
scientific inventions ,
the traditional peace
of the countryside
has been lost
for ever . Villagers
desert their homes
and flock to industrial towns
and cities in
search of employment
. At the
same , people have become
mechanical like robots and
lazy , selfish and
cold . Love , warmth
, goodwill and many other such
things , have almost
disappeared . Human relations
have become very artificial. Further , the
increased use of
machines in every
field of life
has thrown thousands
of people out
of employment .
There are lock outs
and recessions all around . So , looking at
these features , many
people consider science
more as a
curse than blessing
. Many wish to
go back to
the past and ,
thus , hope to lead
a peaceful life, though
lazy .
Science has
improved the production
system and made
life easier ,
happier and more comfortable
. Now-a-days almost
everything is made
by machine . In some
foreign countries science
has been serving
mankind in better way
. Without science , life
will be miserable and
mankind will probably not
survive without its
gifts .